Insect Control Programs
No More Mosquitoes!

Mosquito Control Programs can be very important. Not only are these insects annoying but who knows what they might be carrying. On a Standard Basis we do 3-5 Mosquito Control Applications. Watch the video above as we use this in conjunction with a pressure washer style sprayer. We Spray Everything on your property and you can expect the treatments to last 1-4 weeks dependent on how much pressure there is coming from the environment. Other factors can inhibit results such as treatment history, landscape density, shade, moisture, etc… Get a Free Instant quote Now!

Ticks can be very dangerous if you haven’t found that out the hard way. We recommend 3-4 Treatments to eliminate the threat caused by Fleas and Ticks. Treatments are similar to Mosquito Control Treatments with some additional spraying and some different product calibrations. Call Now to setup your first application.

Japanese Beetles can ruin the appearance of your properties landscape. If you notice any Japanese Beetles on your property, I strongly recommend you give me a call. Standard Japanese Beetle Control Programs consist of 2-3 Applications starting around late June. Treatment intervals vary based on pressure but usually are 4-6 weeks apart. As an FYI- If you have an issue with Japanese Beetles, make sure you protect your lawn against the early life stage “GRUBS”. Call Now for a Free Estimate!